Their Role. Security and better life are the foremost desires of parents to their children. Constraints may prevent them momentarily but it will never stop them for long. Every step will be managed to ensure that things will work the way they perceive it. Such undying love and affection is priceless. The boundary of love is limitless and the depth of understanding is endless. Hence, acceptance over their children’s mistakes is readily accessible whenever such is needed.
My Thoughts. A reality of life permeates every man- to protect and collaborate with other people to ensure the welfare of one’s child. A school is an extension of a home. It is the place where other areas of man’s dimensions are developed. Tasks may not be easy to accomplish, but it will prepare every child for the later part of his life. A child with disabilities may find it doubly hard to learn but with parents around and close cooperation with the teacher, what seems to be a problem could be outdone effortlessly.
The Challenge. Cooperation between teachers and parents is easily said than done. Policies have been formulated and disseminated for implementation. However, it is still categorically at the level of awareness and the enforcement may need to be strengthened. Participation is still quite low. Encouragement is always the advocacy of the central office to ensure that appropriate intervention will be instituted at the school level based on the needs of the students. The influence and authority of parents – has always been neglected as a result of less effort and ignorance, on the part of the school, to involve them in the education of their children. In the case of students with special needs, parents have so much to offer. Assistance and experience could enrich the teaching-learning condition, hence, an advantage for the students. A more vigilant enforcement of the policy should be done as to increase parents’ participation. Local government units should devise means to attract parents in school matters as well. In that way, students will be assured that they get the best from the department of education. Likewise, a safety net should be made alongside the desire to involve the parents as partners in the education of their children. Conflicts would be easily avoided between school and parents with personal agenda. Shared responsibility has always been one of the primary goals of the Department as education of the children matters most. The initiatives of the government work towards the fulfillment of its mandate - education for all. It is an assurance that parents are recognized – and are considered the most significant individuals in educating every child, regardless of abilities and talents.